Get Rid of Credit Card Debt Getting rid of credit card debt is not very difficult, even if your financial situation looks like a nightmare right now. Making a plan, showing some financial discipline, and following the tips below will help you reduce and ultimately eliminate your credit card debt. First of all, stop charging purchases to your credit card. You are so used to it, otherwise you wouldn’t accumulate debt, but you should stop doing it now. Use a low interest credit card in emergency situations and close your other credit card accounts. If possible, pay in cash only. Transfer your outstanding balance to a low interest credit card. Some cards are offered with a very low interest rate; so, check the ones with low introductory interest rates. The lower the interest you pay, the quicker you will get rid of credit card debt. Any time you receive extra income, do your best to make micro payments to your outstanding balance. Send the proceeds from garage sales, eBay sales, and earnings from part and overtime jobs to your credit cards. Even if it seems like a small amount, these add up. In some situations, the only way to receive additional income is to find a part-time job. Working full-time and part-time is particularly difficult if you are a parent as you will be away from your children most of the time. However, you will get rid of debt faster, helping you provide better for your family. Sometimes, it is a good idea to volunteer for overtime work, mow loans, or take freelancer jobs rather than earn the minimum wage at a part-time job. To get rid of credit card debt, it is important to assess your level of indebtedness, create a budget, and cut down on spending. To assess your debt load, you have to include all personal loans, student loans, car loans, home equity loans, credit cards, and loans from family and friends. Medical bills should also be taken into account. You don’t need to include your mortgage, if you have such, as this is the last debt you will want to repay. Make a list of the payments due on all outstanding balances. When you are done with all that, track your progress toward debt repayment every quarter. It is very motivating to see your debt going down. Another good idea is to come up with a well-thought budget. List all your expenses such as money spend on dining, hobbies, entertainment, and monthly bills. Calculate your total earnings, including child alimony, investments, overtime work, etc. Subtract your monthly expenses from your total income to see what you are left with by the end of the month. You may need to rework the budget so that the numbers crunch. Look at it to see if you can make some cuts. You may have to lower your auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, phone and electric bill, and other bills. Finally, it is commonsense to avoid new debt when you are paying off your obligations. Start saving money to prepare yourself for emergency situations – medical bills, car repairs, unemployment gaps, etc. Think of all expenses that may make you use your card and get yourself deep into debt once again.